304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
A Living Lab is a multi-stakeholder, real-world platform for innovation that integrates open collaboration, user engagement, and real-life experimentation. It brings together a diverse range of stakeholders to co-create, test, and implement solutions that address local problems and challenges, together with combining scientific knowledge and traditional practices.
In context of agricultural and environmental issues, these labs operate within natural and semi-natural habitats, in order to promote sustainable land management, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration.
Living Labs rely heavily on values such as inclusivity, openness, realism and sustainability.
Living Labs place strong reliance on perspective and participation of multiple stakeholders, each playing a key role in addressing local challenges, along with driving innovation and sustainability:
According to the Living Lab Methodology Handbook (Evans et al., 2017), Living Labs should be established and implemented based on three main building blocks. In summary they are described as:
Living Labs are centered around the engagement of several key elements in real-life contexts.
Adapted from Schuderi et al., 2023.
In order to address growing environmental challenges, it is essential to adopt and implement Nature-based Solutions as a part of the Living Labs framework. Innovations that are applied and tested within Living Labs should be nature-oriented, cost-effective, and designed to deliver tangible environmental benefits. This should be aligned with supporting the local community and contributing to their progress and development. Sharing and learning from real-life examples, and providing oportunities for informal inputs are the key enablers to implement NbS within Living Labs (Aniche et al., 2024).
This project is funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe (Project SONATA GA 101159546)